Latest News
13 Nov
Philadelphia Student Project – Strengthening Community at Wycliffe


Students in our Year 9 and 10 Community and Family Studies elective class have been working on different service projects as part of their course work this term. The goal has been to identify an area of their community within which they could affect positive change.

Two of our students have decided to focus their project on further supporting families and creating further options for caring for our Wycliffe community. This new platform, named Philadelphia, from its Greek origins meaning brotherly love, seeks to bring action in the form of service.

Our students have put together a video to explain the core heartbeat of the project. Their hope is to create a community of families within Wycliffe who are willing to offer support when needed. The purpose of this group will not be to provide ongoing, long-term support to families, rather, short term offerings in times of need. There will be no set expectation for what contributions families make within this community. As needs are identified or support is requested from Wycliffe families, these will be posted to the Philadelphia community to be ‘filled’ where possible. Great care will be taken to respect the privacy of families.

We are excited to see this project begin over the coming weeks.