Upcoming Event
21 Oct 7:00pm
Seasons of Love – Drama Production



This term, our Year 9 and 10 Drama students have been busily producing and directing an original production – Seasons of Love. It explores a vast range of experiences and stories around the theme of love. It’s also not a traditional school play night, where you come and sit in seats and the lights go down and you watch. We want to invite you to be involved in telling your own stories of love, and sharing in the stories of others. It’s a night designed for the whole family – all ages. There will be drama performances, singing, a dance, some performance poetry, and food.


Everyone knows that LOVE AND FOOD GO HAND IN HAND. Most people have food that reminds them of someone they love. My grandma taught me how to make scones. When I make them, or eat them, I think of her. We’d like to invite our audience to walk around the Hall during interval, sampling food prepared by others and hearing about how that food reminds them of someone they love. It’s something that the whole family can do together.


We’d love to see you there, please save the date, come along, bring a friend, and go on the journey with us. Monday 21 October from 7pm in our School Hall – entry is free.