Upcoming Event
23 Sep 10:00am
Year 12 Farewell Assembly

Farewell Assembly: 10:00am – 10:15am
Morning Tea: 10:30am – 10:50am

The Wycliffe school community will farewell our Year 12 Class of 2020 on Wednesday 23 September. A fifteen minute Graduation Assembly will be held with Stage 6 students being the only permitted audience, as per NSW Health recommendations. The assembly will be followed by a Covid Safe Farewell Morning Tea, for Year 12 students and staff, on the Admin balcony outside the Front Office.
It is deeply regrettable that families are not able to attend these events with us this year, however, parents, carers and friends are very welcome to link in to the ZOOM of the Assembly and the Morning Tea from their homes. Families of our Year 12 students have been sent information about the car park and drive-thru pick up arrangements following the morning’s celebrations.
Please complete the form below and we will email the Zoom link for these events to you.


Year 12 Farewell Zoom Link

Year 12 Farewell Zoom Link

Please complete the form below and we will email you the Zoom link for the Year 12 Assembly and Morning Tea.