Senior School (Year 11 and 12)
We are asking our Year 11 and 12 students to stay very closely in step with their normal daily timetable.
- In each of their Google Classrooms they will find, in the ‘Classwork’ section, the learning tasks that have been set for each lesson.
- Work for the whole day will be posted to classrooms by 8:20am of each day.
- The steps for each lesson will be numbered in order.
- For each distinct learning component there will be a time estimate given by the teacher to indicate how long we suggest the students spend on the step.
- We are establishing the learning components of each lesson so that on average the students will engage in learning for 30 of the 45 minutes.
- Most Year 12 classes will start with livestream engagement accompanied by mixtures of pre-recorded video instruction and email-based support of learning.
- It is anticipated that there will be a spread, across the timetable, of livestream engagement for Year 11 classes.
- Our staff will also be looking to specifically engage with their class during the timetabled lessons via the Google Classroom comment section and emails.
- Classes with major works will be invited by their teacher to be physically on site for many of their learning lessons.